Wolfpack Business Development Team looks to make sure more WOLF holders are located before airdrop and launch of Meme

It has been almost 2 weeks since the community takeover of the WolfPack Coin. The CTO became necessary after the person controlling the Telegram and X accounts, and the website, maliciously deleted all three. “By deleting the social media accounts and the website, our ability to communicate quickly with WOLF holders was taken away,” said CT Boomer an active member of the Team managing the takeover.

According to CT there were more than 500 wallets (holders) of WOLF before the CTO and more than 500 members in the Telegram account. “One of the first things we did was to have a member of the Business Development Team set up a new Telegram and a new X account,” said CT. “The problem is we want all the holders to know about the airdrop before we launch this new meme. We have only been able to have about 10% of those 500 people join the new Telegram. It would not be fair to all of the WOLF holders to launch a new meme when we are unable to contact them.”

The Wolfpack Business Development Team said they will take extra time to inform more holders about the Community Takeover. The Team is adamant as many holders as possible can benefit from the 25% airdrop that will take place of the new meme token. “The Team is so excited about this utility we are creating for the Wolfpack Coin. It seems wrong to hurry and launch before holders are even aware,” said German a Team leader. “It is very unfortunate that someone would make the effort to harm this project and try to interrupt the plans to build this meme launching utility,” German added.

Some of the obstacles the community has been working to solve have been the return of the ETH donation wallet, and updating the socials on CoinMarketCap, Dextools and Dex Screener. “While the ETH donations have been returned to all the donors, The WOLF community is still missing funds in a small exchange called Tokpie. When the socials link won’t work on Dextools and CoinMarketCap potential investors will think the project is dead,” said CT. “While we have some big hoops to jump through, that is exactly what we will do. We will not let the WOLF project die, because of a nefarious person. This community is determined,” added CT.

The Team has confirmed that the stealth launch of the first meme will take place after they are able to spend more time reaching out to WOLF holders on X. “The meme launch is going to take place as soon as we give more time for holders to reconnect with us. Current WOLF holders, who are aware of the CTO, are encouraged to like, repost and comment on X when they see the CTO posts,” said German.


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